Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Queen for a Day!

It can't be easy to get the spotlight all to yourself when you're the youngest of four, but this day was all about little Clair!  This 15 month old cutie is full of sass and lots and lots of energy (as evidenced by my sweating after chasing her for an hour.  HA!).  She hopped right out of the car, and even though she's never met me a day in her little life, she greeted me with a big "HI"!  Kids can be shy and leery of strangers at the age, but that was thankfully not the case with Clair.  She didn't need any time to warm up to me, and she was ready to explore the area and point out all of the "Ewws" know, bugs, leaves, mud and all of the other things little girls have a general disdain for!  I personally love this age because kids are walking such a fine line between still being babies and growing into toddlers.  Had I realized when my own son was this age how quickly he would turn into the bossy, negotiating (and don't get me wrong, extremely precious,) little man that he is, I may have stopped and cherished a few more of these moments.  I'm glad I was able to capture some of those moments for Clair's mama.  One of her older brothers, who she is very fond of came along to keep her entertained and I was able to capture a few of her funny "cheese faces" that he is able to get out of her!  I loved watching the two of them interact.  Even though he is 8 years older he is clearly smitten with his little sister, and it's east to see why.  She is everything that is wonderful about little girls and I'm so glad I got to give her the spotlight all to herself and make her feel like the little Queen Bee that she is!

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