Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Two Boybarians and a Little Diva!

It's okay, I can call them boybarians, because they are my nephews!  Meet the Dudley family, one of my favorite families on Earth!  This is my older sister Jessie and brother in law Heath's family, including my two oldest nephews and the one and only girl in our brood, Little Miss. Tatum.  If you thought I went a little overboard posting pictures in some of my previous posts, hold on to your flower adorned hats boys and girls, because I have been jonesing to photograph a little girly girl and Tatum is the epitome of girliness!  We have be a planning this family portrait for a long time and the session went pretty much as expected. I was not going to kid myself, I knew my 9 and 7 year old nephews were not going to take "Aunt Kendra" seriously as a photographer, so between their joking, bickering and my begging for just one good smile, I was THRILLED to get a couple of excellent family photos and they were dismissed much to their relief.  I don't at all look forward to when the
day comes that Cash doesn't automatically say cheese and start posing for my camera the second he sees it, but I digress. Boys....If only they knew how much pictures mean to their mama's...sigh.Once they were dismissed it was on to Tatum's 4 year photos.  This little girl is truley a princess...I know so because she has been telling me since the day she learned to talk;)  You don't have to tell this girl to pose, she has all the poses down,  She made my job extremely easy and FUN!  I could have kept shooting for hours, but even divas have their limits and she was done after about an hour. I am completely in love with her sweet baby face and round cheeks and gorgeous hair.  All of my sister's kids are the spitting image of their dad, but Tatum has some of my sister in her and when you capture her at the right angle it's like looking at my sister's face 30+ years ago.  It makes me nostalgic and emotional all at once.  How did we become mothers ourselves so quickly?  I'm certain it was just yesterday we were playing Barbies, making up songs and doing our own bickering!  We had such a charmed childhood, and these little angels (who are sometimes barbarians), are living no less a charmed life.  I hope they look back at these photos and their own childhood's as fondly as I do and see some of each other in their own children's faces.  Family is the best.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous family pictures!! The dialogue shows the love for your sister's family, and the fond memories when you were both younger. Tatum is so adorable, and these pictures will certainly be jewels to hang on the family walls. You are all so blessed. Another outstanding photo session! :)
